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Praise for The Godhunter Series:
“Smart, sexy, sassy and sweet this story holds adventure and romance, with a well written and witty take on mythology. Read this now!”
“Vervain, her Gods and her men, they breathe in a way that I am unable to describe!”
“They are so good, they should be savored, but instead I binged on them like a kid on Halloween.”
Listen to Godhunter here: Godhunter on Audible
Atlantis fell, and the Gods rose.
Thousands of years ago, the Atlanteans dabbled in magic that they shouldn’t have, and they destroyed their continent. The survivors spread out across the world and used that same disastrous magic to convince humans that they were Gods. The humans believed. They sacrificed to their gods and made them even more powerful. But time passed, and humans forgot the Gods. Sacrifice waned, and the Gods had to find new ways to get the blood they craved. Devious ways. Manipulative ways. Ways that I’m going to put an end to. There’s only one problem; he’s big, blond, and swears he’s on my side. Oh, and he’s also a god.